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- Short: Wolfgang Lug's Death
- Author: Guido Alfani
- Uploader: alpha@flashnet.it
- Type: misc/edu
- I'm Guido Alfani (Email: alpha@flashnet.it) and I'm the italian translator
- of the program AMIGAWORLD (see on AMINET: AmigaWorld520.lha misc/edu
- 1.5M+World Countries Database) by Wolfgang Lug.
- I'm very sorry to write this message but it's necessary to inform Amiga
- community about these sad news.
- Wolfgang Lug isn't with us anymore.
- He was the author of the program I've being collaborating for 5 years, together
- Bo Arnholm (Email:arnis@tripnet.se -URL:http://www.tripnet.se/home/arnis/),
- Bjarne Bjørnsen (Email: bjbjoern@online.no), Ruud Hoekzema (EMail:
- rhoek@xs4all.nl - URL: http://www.xs4all.nl/~rhoek/), Mika Leinonen (EMail:
- Mika.Leinonen@oulu.fi - URL: http://stekt.oulu.fi/~mikal/), David Gaussinel,
- Yves Salingue and Olivier Bogros.
- We have just received this unexpected comunication from a Wolfgang's friend,
- that I'm reporting here:
- *********************Forwarded message *********************
- Dear Bo Arnholm,
- my Name is Stefan Thissen and I am a friend of Wolfgang Lug. I think,
- that till now no-one had inform you of what had happen about 6 weeks
- ago, so I will do, although it's not easy for me to put into words.
- On August 8th Wolfgang had lost his life. He fell from the
- roof of a tower building in Kassel; police says that he committed
- suicide.
- For us this act is hardly to understand, because we had never
- become aware of that committing suicide is a possible way Wolfgang
- to go. But after talking with his older brother, we now know that
- Wolfgang had suffered from what is called endogeneous depressions, a
- genetic illness causing extreme changes of mood. It seems that in
- his last days Wolfgang was in a very depressive state of mind, which
- he couldn't control any more.
- Although many questions aren't answered and never will be, I think
- you should know what had happen. And may be you can inform the other
- translators of AmigaWorld about this tragic event.
- Sincerely,
- Yours Stefan Thissen
- ****************** End of forwarded message ********************
- At the request of how we could honour Wolfgang's memory, Stefan Thissen
- answered that could write a message to the mother, Ursula Lug.....
- I wish that all Amiga users will follow our example to remember a great
- boy prematurely disappeared.
- >I think, to honour Wolfgang you and the translators could send a
- >condolatory card to Wolfgang's mother.
- >Her address is: Ursula Lug, Am Rinzler 4, D-78465 Konstanz.
- >Or you could write an obituary on the AmigaWorld-Homepage.
- >Best wishes,2
- >Stefan2
- ##
- ****************************************************************
- That was Wolfgang Lug (from AMIGAWORLD Official Home Page):
- http://stekt.oulu.fi/~mikal/amigaworld/
- ***************************************************************
- Wolfgang Lug, born 1973 in Wiesbaden, is a student of political science,
- cultural anthropology and Middle East studies at the University of Freiburg,
- Germany. Wolfgang uses an Amiga 2000 with MC68030/882/50. He is the programmer
- of AmigaWorld and author of its original data files. Wolfgang likes to cook
- and even more to eat. A good guitar-player, mediocre singer and bad pianist,
- always willing to perform to anybody who likes to listen.
- Favourite artists:
- Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Blondie.
- Favourite colours:
- Yellow and Red.
- Favourite political thinker:
- Sir Thomas More.
- Contact:
- EMail: lugwolfg@ruf.uni-freiburg.de
- Wolfgang Lug
- Georg-Voigt-Str. 17
- 35 039 Marburg
- Germany
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 2380 1314 44.7% 03-Oct-98 14:26:10 1-Bo-About_Wolfgang_Lug_f
- 1760 918 47.8% 03-Oct-98 14:27:16 2-Mika-Re_Wolfgang_fwd.msg
- 2846 1601 43.7% 03-Oct-98 14:27:34 3-Ruud-Re_About_Wolfgang_
- 3140 1685 46.3% 03-Oct-98 14:28:36 4-Bo-Re_About_Wolfgang_Lu
- 2469 1392 43.6% 03-Oct-98 14:31:24 5-Bjarne-Re_About_Wolfgan
- 5351 2570 51.9% 03-Oct-98 14:32:50 6-Guido-Re_About_Wolfgang_Lug.
- 9601 3325 65.3% 03-Oct-98 14:33:38 7-Ruud-Re_About_Wolfgang_
- 2146 1189 44.5% 03-Oct-98 14:34:38 8-Lars-about_Wolfgang_Lug.msg
- 4423 2246 49.2% 03-Oct-98 14:50:58 9-Bo-Re_about_Wolfgang_Lug.msg
- 3537 1790 49.3% 03-Oct-98 14:38:40 AmigaWorld-Wolf's_Death.readme
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 37653 18030 52.1% 07-Oct-98 00:56:34 10 files